Alcohol abuse can lead to depression

Women who suffer from alcoholism usually present in parallel -up to 80% of the cases studied- other types of psychological pathologies associated with this addiction. This is the case of depression, an emotional disorder that in its most severe phases can lead those women who suffer from it to delicate situations related to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. The simultaneous existence of both anomalies therefore requires a professional and expert approach to patients in order to achieve both addiction cessation and control of the depressive illness itself.

Alcoholism linked to depression

  • Depression is one of the most frequent conditions in women, taking into account the international context, both at a social level and in purely economic terms. However, there are few treatments that are really effective when it comes to combating this psychological pathology, which can lead some women, in their desperation to find some remedy to alleviate them, to enter a vicious circle in which excessive consumption of alcohol becomes a very unhealthy habit.
  • One of the fundamental reasons why some women take refuge in alcohol to combat depressive states is that it is a substance that, ingested in large quantities, can induce sleep. However, it is a very risky decision since, in parallel to this sleepy effect, it is possible to develop a high tolerance to alcoholic beverages which, ultimately, leads to a strong addiction. On the other hand, alcohol has a depressing effect on people, a situation that, ultimately, can enhance the establishment of said psychological disease.
  • Given this scenario, significant prevention work is necessary, especially in younger girls, since high alcohol consumption for long periods of time can have a significant depressing effect on women. Consulting with professionals in the field should be our priority if at any point in our lives we find ourselves in a situation like the one described.

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