Antidepressants and birth control pills, are they compatible?

Can you take the pill and depression pills at the same time?

The contraceptive pill or pills accompany many women for many years of their lives. It may happen that on occasion you have to treat yourself for depression and you find yourself taking two drugs at the same time that you don’t know if they are compatible or not. In principle there is no problem with taking antidepressants and birth control pills at the same time, but of course there are some nuances. In this article we tell you everything you need to know.

The relationship between depression and birth control pills

  • There is a curious relationship between depression and the pill. A kind of contradiction that depends, as always when we talk about medicines, on how each person’s body assimilates those drugs.
  • There are women who take the pill precisely to protect themselves from depression when their premenstrual syndrome comes with strong depressive symptoms. Sometimes these symptoms last over time and can lead to depression. It seems that the hormonal regulation of birth control pills alleviates this emotional exhaustion.
  • However, other women have contrary experiences. In some cases it is the contraceptive pill itself that causes major mood swings, emotional liability and, ultimately, there is an increased risk of depression. But as we say, each body is different and you don’t have to be in any of these options. Because there are many more options.

Compatibility between antidepressants and the pill

  • From a medical point of view there is no incompatibility to take antidepressants and birth control pills at the same time. Be careful, that taking them at the same time does not mean that you take them at the same time, together, at the same time. This can cause a problem such as aggravating the side effects of both medications.
  • Taking antidepressants and contraceptives does not have to pose any extra danger, but logically your doctor should be aware of everything you take. You can also notify him if you notice any change in how your body assimilates both drugs, although it may be normal.
  • The most common is that when taking both antidepressants and contraceptives you do not get rid of some side effects that they share. You may notice bloating, headache, nausea, weight gain or loss, or even a drop in sexual desire. But generally they are symptoms that appear at the beginning of the treatment and disappear over time.

The antidepressant vs. pill debate

  • We are facing two safe drugs with no compatibility problems, but we are also facing two of the most debated drugs. About the reliability of the pill in terms of birth control, there are no doubts, but there are many doubts about its side effects, those that are seen and those that are not seen. And the same happens with antidepressants.
  • Therefore, let us be careful in this matter. There is no incompatibility between the two medications, but how are they doing for you in particular? This is something you will have to observe, without paranoia and without preconceived ideas, because there are as many detractors as there are defenders of these drugs. Do not get carried away by the opinions of others and see if they are bad for you or if you have any doubts about it.
  • And when in doubt, you have to talk to your doctor and change your treatment. The options are many, from changing the type of antidepressant to using another non-hormonal contraceptive method to be more secure. Above all, let yourself be carried away by how you feel, by how you are improving or not with antidepressants, which if you are taking them, is the priority.
  • Knowing that your health is not at risk with both medications, the important thing is that the antidepressants take effect so that you can overcome depression as soon as possible. So, if you have doubts about compatibility, look for a while for another contraceptive that does not raise any doubts.

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