Anxiety and depression: a vicious circle from which you can escape

Stress is also a psychological disorder linked to anxiety and depression.

Stress, anxiety and depression are increasingly common psychological disorders and the three are closely related. Although stress can be a more general problem, when we find ourselves with a combination of anxiety and depression, we are facing a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out; but not at all impossible.

Anxiety leading to depression

  • There are many people who have ever suffered an anxiety crisis; that feeling of fear, anguish and despair mixed with sweating, palpitations and shortness of breath. Although the anxiety crisis is a temporary and temporary disorder, it may be due to a generalized anxiety disorder that should be treated as soon as possible.
  • We can identify that we are going through a period of anxiety when we feel fearful for the future, when uncertainty turns into pessimism, when we notice how we have lost control or are unable to assume responsibilities
  • As can be seen, these are symptoms very similar to those of depression, so both disorders can be easily confused. What’s more, in many cases, it is a generalized anxiety disorder that leads us to the deepest depression. Because it is a situation in which we have been immersed for a long time, it is best to seek specialized treatment.

Depression that causes anxiety

  • But sometimes it is not anxiety that is presented as the cause of depression, but the opposite. It is the depressive state that generates the anxiety picture due to that fear of not being able to get out of the situation. Because many times, depression remains hidden in sentimental, work or family problems, but there comes a time when the cause of our desolation stops mattering and realizing that we are facing a serious problem comes to the fore.
  • The search for solutions to escape from this vicious circle that anxiety and depression represent is not an easy path, but it first requires recognition that we alone cannot do it. Seeking help and letting ourselves help will be the most effective method to be able to ward off these psychological disorders that can end up marking our lives.
  • That is why it is important not to underestimate the importance of any passing episode of anxiety, as well as to remain alert if feelings of sadness, helplessness or lack of interest begin to prevail over those of optimism and illusion. At any sign of both anxiety and depression, the best thing we can do is see a specialist, regardless of whether we also try to find remedies ourselves.

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