Author name: DepressionTopics Staff

The blog aims to help people understand depression better and provide them with the tools and resources they need to manage their condition and improve their quality of life.

Weight loss in depression: how should you take care of yourself?

What to do if you lose weight because of depression Depression is one of the mood disorders with the highest incidence in the world population, being one of the main pathologies of psychological origin treated by mental health specialists. Although it occurs mainly during adolescence and in a considerable number of people during the third

Weight loss in depression: how should you take care of yourself? Read More »

Internet addicts are more prone to depression

Some people develop a compulsive Internet habit, such as socializing online through social media and chat rooms instead of meeting people directly. Several researchers have concluded through a study that people who did this were more likely to have depression than other Internet users. “The Internet now plays an important part in modern life, but

Internet addicts are more prone to depression Read More »

Inhibited depression: when depression paralyzes you

We are well-acquainted with most of the symptoms of depression, such as apathy, lack of interest, sadness, anguish, and the transformation of reality. Because depression leads you to irrational behaviors dominated by negativity, pessimism, and a lack of self-esteem. And we are also well aware of some of the consequences of suffering from depression, such

Inhibited depression: when depression paralyzes you Read More »

Signs to detect if your partner suffers from depression (and how to help)

The symptoms of depression and what to do if your partner suffers from it Have you noticed your partner very off lately? Without wanting to do anything or with little or no enthusiasm for things? Do you have the suspicion that he could suffer from depression? If you have noticed changes in his behavior, character

Signs to detect if your partner suffers from depression (and how to help) Read More »

A child’s depression according to his age: how to help him if he is depressed

Tips to help your child (child, adolescent or adult) get out of their depressive disorder Depression is a mood disorder that affects many people; According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 8 and 15% of people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives, and in 2020 it was the most prevalent

A child’s depression according to his age: how to help him if he is depressed Read More »

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