Avoid depression in the crisis of 25

Turning twenty-five years old means reaching the quarter of a century and that is why the typical crisis at this age is common. But to avoid depression at twenty-five, you have to think about the pros that exist at this age.

Here we show you the advantages of turning twenty-five and avoiding a future depression with them:

  1. It is normal not to know what you are doing with your life
  2. There are many people with 25 who are just like you
  3. No decision you make will be wrong
  4. You will always have the door of your house open
  5. If you don’t like your job, remember that you have time to change
  6. Always, always there is a way out and a new opportunity
  7. So don’t lose faith in yourself
  8. Because failure is the key to success
  9. And although nothing happens as we really expect
  10. You don’t have to compare yourself to other people your age
  11. Remember that your life is not a race

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