Botox for wrinkles… and for depression

Botox is a substance that, applied in very small amounts, has been revealed as one of the greatest allies when it comes to trying to stop the effects of aging in women. No expert could come to consider the uses that butolinic toxin would have today, potentially dangerous if applied in the right quantities, which meant that its first uses were destined for the military industry. To the popularity that Botox has currently reached, thanks to its beneficial properties for improving the appearance of facial wrinkles, a new possibility is added: combating the symptoms of depression.

Botox as medicine against depression

  • The fact that Botox, with varying degrees of success, has been shown to be effective in addressing the palliation of various types of conditions is not new. This is the case of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle stiffness manifested after suffering a stroke, urinary incontinence or tremors associated with multiple sclerosis. A couple of years ago it was also discovered that by injecting the toxin at certain points some migraine patients improved their pain. It has recently been found that the injection of butolinic toxin in the area between the eyebrows can have enormously positive effects on mood.
  • The idea comes from a theory on emotions established by Charles Darwin, in which he stated that facial expressions can feed back to the brain, triggering all kinds of emotional states. From this strange relationship, some researchers began to study the possibility that Botox could combat depression. In fact, some doctors had noted prior to the study that, in some people who had been treated for wrinkles, their depressive states had improved.
  • Once the investigation was carried out, the results have been more than encouraging, with an improvement rate of depression in up to 47% of the patients who were treated with Botox. In this way, we are facing a potential mechanism to fight depression, one of the diseases with the greatest impact on women today.

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