Can Alzheimer’s be cured with antidepressants?

Women are more likely than men to suffer from this disease

Brain plaques are closely linked to memory problems and all kinds of cognitive abnormalities generated by a severe pathology such as Alzheimer’s. The fundamental component of these brain plaques is the amyloid beta protein, so there is a theoretical possibility that stopping its accumulation could halt the mental decline associated with progressive memory loss. An investigation carried out by the University School of Medicine of Washington and by the University of Pennsylvania affirms that the use of a common antidepressant seems to reduce the massive production of the mentioned compound.

Stop Alzheimer’s with antidepressants

  1. There are studies that have spent years making observations in mice on the relationship between a neurotransmitter such as serotonin and the amyloid beta protein. The North American research has also tested the model in animals through the ingestion in the subjects of an antidepressant known by the name of citalopram -a selective inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin-, being capable of reducing the growth of brain plaques. On the other hand, it was also tested in perfectly healthy young adults, the researchers concluding that in 37% of the cases the production of amyloid beta protein was considerably reduced.
  2. Despite the fact that the conclusions derived from this study are partially encouraging, the scientific community warns that, for the moment, we are still in a very early phase for both senile dementia patients and women who may tend to develop Alzheimer’s In the future, they begin to take antidepressants with the specific objective of delaying the development of this pathology. In fact, the effect that citalopram intake may have on both men and women who have been diagnosed with this disease has yet to be proven.
  3. Therefore, we are at a stage in which it is not yet possible to definitively affirm that the use of antidepressants in patients with Alzheimer’s disease can have some kind of success. However, it is a ray of hope for all those women who suffer from this pathology on a daily basis. Perhaps it is the first step to find a definitive cure.

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