
Reiki to treat depression, does it work?

Benefits of this alternative therapy We want to combat depression with all the means at our disposal, which is why we are interested in all kinds of treatments for depression, from the most conventional ones such as antidepressants or psychological therapy to alternative therapies. One of these alternative therapies is Reiki, an oriental technique based […]

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Phytotherapy as a treatment for depression

We know that there is no magic formula to cure depression, but that it is a long process in which we are going to need several combined treatments. For this reason, putting medical criteria and pharmacological and psychological treatments first, we are looking for other alternative therapies to strengthen and accelerate recovery. And among those

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Homeopathy as a treatment for depression: the most effective remedies

Overcoming a depression implies a long process of work and combined treatments. We do not want to leave any option aside and so we are determined to resort to traditional treatments for depression, such as antidepressants or psychotherapy, alternative and natural therapies and any other option until we find the one that best suits our

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Overcoming depression: symptoms and treatment for the most serious cases

We know that there are many types of depression and also many degrees. We know mild depression, chronic depression and many other varieties of this emotional disorder that affects an increasing number of people. On this occasion we are going to identify the symptoms of severe depression, believing that the more we know about the

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Is depression cured? Psychologist’s advice to beat it once and for all

The most effective treatment to overcome depression There are more and more people in the world who suffer from it and suffer from it. We are talking about depression, the mental illness of the 21st century. And in this article we ask ourselves something very important: is depression cured? Or is someone with depression destined

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Hormonal depression: when hormones control your mood

There is a higher incidence of depression in women and, although the exact reason is unknown, it may be due to those hormonal changes that women experience, but not men, and that can lead to depression. Because when we talk about depression in pregnancy, postpartum depression, depression in menopause or even premenstrual syndrome, we are

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The best natural remedies to cure depression

We maintain that any type of depression must be treated by a team of medical professionals. We do not renounce pharmacological treatments or psychological therapy, but we are wondering if we can complement these treatments with other more natural ones. Generally, any natural remedy does not harm medical treatments for depression at all, but in

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