Christmas Blues: Causes and Solutions

For many, Christmas does not represent joy and happiness, but is synonymous with sadness, loneliness and nostalgia. A priori it is similar to a common depression, but we will determine the most characteristic features of this state of mind.

  • Those who suffer from it have a pessimistic and destructive attitude towards the Christmas season itself, all the activities that surround it and all the conventions imposed by society that surround this time of year.
  • We already know that on these dates you have to be in a happy and supportive spirit almost by imposition, but if you really don’t feel that way, you will come to feel totally out of place and increase that phobia of parties.
  • The most frequent causes for cultivating this feeling of sadness are usually related to the recent loss of loved ones, memories of someone who is not present because they are far away, people who have ceased to be part of our lives and we cannot share these holidays with them. So familiar.
  • We usually miss the people who are missing and express with nostalgia the moments that we have spent with them in previous Christmases, knowing that they will not be repeated, we generate a negative feeling and it suppresses our desire to have a good time. We must try to promote the antagonistic feeling, that is, rejoice for those who are there and make our lives more pleasant.
  • We have to try to talk about the good moments of the present and those that we have shared with the people around us and put aside the painful moments of the past.
  • People who are away from home and cannot celebrate with their relatives often fall into this depressive state, since they feel lonelier and are intoxicated by a state of melancholy. As always, it is recommended to see the positive side of life, try to value all the possibilities offered by your new city and enjoy new people.

Valuing what we have and enjoying it is the most important thing:

  • We are susceptible at this time of falling into the values ​​that the media, consumer advertising and those ideal family roles and joy print on us everywhere. What they sell us has nothing to do with reality, each family is different, some have economic, health, work problems… and each one celebrates Christmas according to their possibilities and no way is better than another.
  • The scarcity of economic resources on these dates can also generate a feeling of sadness and isolation by not being able to make the gifts we want or not organizing a great dinner, but we must strive to avoid that feeling of guilt for not being able to participate in exaggerated consumerism.

Some recommendations that we propose to promote a positive mentality are:

  • If you remember loved ones who have passed away and want to talk about it, don’t suppress that feeling, but try to talk about the more positive aspects of their person, nice things, especially the positive aspects that person brought to the holidays. Talking without obstacles will help you feel more relieved.
  • Do not forget that all families have problems to face and that you are not the only one with difficulties, expressing your ideas and feelings with the rest of your family can help you see things from another perspective and relieve yourself.
  • It is also advisable to reserve moments for ourselves, our plot of intimacy helps us renew energy, take a relaxing bath or practice some sport.
  • Try to take stock of your situation and weigh the negative and positive aspects, try not to focus all your attention on the negative points. Do not try to compare yourself with the happiness of the rest, each one has its own level and it is what we should enjoy.
  • Innovating at dinner and giving free rein to your creativity can help you break with the usual and be more involved in the organization, which will make you feel more satisfied and happy.

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