Diet to raise self-esteem and fight depression

Foods that give you energy to feel better

Loving yourself is very important to be fully happy. The lack of self-esteem makes us feel vulnerable, prevents us from fulfilling our dreams, and makes us doubt our steps… On the other hand, depression is one of the most worrying mental illnesses of the moment.

Everything counts: both the way you talk to yourself and the posture you maintain when walking. And it is also important to take into account the diet you take. If you can’t feel good about what you eat, you’ll never feel good about yourself. For this reason, we propose a diet to increase self-esteem and fight depression.

Fight depression with diet

  • This diet to feel better consists of betting on foods that provide energy and, therefore, motivate you to be happier. The keys to the type of diet that helps you raise your self-esteem is one that remains varied, healthy, balanced and adapted to your lifestyle.
  • For this reason, it is necessary to avoid excesses and binges that later make you feel bad about yourself. Learning to control yourself is important both in food, but also in terms of relationships with the people around you.
  • On the other hand, small whims are welcome but sporadically. To know what you have to eat at all times, let yourself be guided by your common sense.
  • These are the foods that help you feel better:

Fruits and vegetables

  • By eating more fruits and vegetables you will feel happier, since they provide nutrients that make you stronger and more vigorous. Experts recommend eating around 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

Pasta, bread and rice

  • Carbohydrates are necessary for our diet, since they provide us with the energy necessary to live. They are basic products in the diet of a person who wants to face the day to day with vitality.


  • Eating a handful of nuts a day has many benefits for the body: it provides antioxidants, it has omega 3, and it raises our serotonin levels… But, be careful with fried nuts!

Green Tea

  • Green tea contains thiamine that helps relieve stress and fight depression. In addition, it contains antioxidants to combat aging.

Dark chocolate

  • If you want to treat yourself, dark chocolate is a good option. It is a great source of antioxidants, it stimulates blood circulation in the brain, and it has nutrients such as magnesium and copper… But, like everything else, it should be eaten in moderation.


  • Incorporate oats into your diet and you will benefit from all its nutrients such as B vitamins and folic acid. It will help you feel better and fight depression harder!

Drinking water will make you feel good

  • Drinking a sufficient amount of water each day is essential to feel good. Experts differ on how many liters are needed, but it is generally agreed that around 2 liters is the right amount for women and 2.5 liters for men. However, this amount must be adapted to the living conditions of each one.

Add sport to raise self-esteem

  • If you want to feel even better, in addition to eating these foods, you have to practice sports. A moderate exercise routine, such as walking every day for half an hour or going for a bike ride, can have enormous benefits on your self-esteem.
  • First of all, you will exercise the body and therefore shape your body, which will make you look better. Playing sports will also make you feel happier due to the endorphins that it releases, it will reduce your stress, it will motivate you to keep improving yourself every day, it will improve your self-control, and it will make you feel more confident in yourself… All advantages!

Other tips to increase self-esteem

Being a little happier and learning to love yourself is a task that must be practiced every day. And with these small gestures you will notice that your self-esteem is improving little by little. Take note!

  1. Every week, find a little time for yourself. Surely you can take 10 minutes to do something you like: dance around the house, read a chapter of the book you like, take your dog out… Think of yourself!
  2. Join good people who treat you as you deserve. You don’t need to have toxic friends who make you feel bad about yourself.
  3. Self-help books do not contain a mathematical formula to achieve absolute happiness, but they can offer you keys and advice to feel better about yourself. They will encourage you to reflect on what prevents you from enjoying yourself.
  4. Every morning, dedicate some nice words to yourself. Remind yourself how wonderful you are and how well you do things.
  5. Spend some time on your image to look good. In this way, you will begin to notice that your self-esteem improves.
  6. Learning to accept criticism, as long as it is constructive, and not taking things personally frees us from more than one disappointment.
  7. Try to spend more time in contact with nature. Walking on the grass or watching the sea or a river are two activities that help you reduce anxiety?

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