Do cats give depression or depression gives cats

Science is overwhelmed by the alarming increase in cases of depression. Perhaps for this reason, studies continually appear trying to find the causes of emotional disorders, testing new treatments and trying to improve the quality of life of patients. Because there are so many investigations, the results are as varied as that which relates depression to a cat bite.

The bite of a cat as a cause of depression

  • According to a study from the University Of Michigan (USA), suffering from depression may be related to a cat bite. Despite how this statement may seem, the study is not a joke and it is serious research, even if its conclusions have not convinced the medical community.
  • Analyzing the medical records of as many as 1.3 million people over 10 years, the data concluded that 41% of patients receiving treatment for depression had been bitten by a cat. And expanding the information, it seems that 86% of those people were women.
  • The conclusion is surprising as well as incredible, and that is that, according to this study, if you are a woman and your cat has bitten you, you have a 50% greater chance of suffering an emotional disorder. If the problem of depression were not so serious and not so linked to anguish and sadness, we could only laugh at these conclusions.

The relationship between cats and depression

Surreal conclusions aside, the truth is that cats do have something to do with depression. We believe the study data is true, but not the theory that a cat bite can cause depression. The relationship between the data and reality is that many people prone to depression have a cat at home to accompany them. And it may also have something to do with the fact that depressed mood causes a certain rejection in these animals and they tend to attack and bite.

Be that as it may, cats are a great relief in cases of depression, as well as other domestic animals, which offer company, eliminate the feeling of loneliness and “force” people with depression to remain active. Taking into account all the love that the cat gives us at home, we are not going to hold the poor animal responsible for our emotional disorder.

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