Don’t Let Cancer Drive You Down

One of the great evils of today’s society is cancer. A disease that claims many lives despite advances in research. Although the chances of recovering from cancer are increasing, its treatment is long and difficult, which is why most patients also need specialized psychological support.

Because cancer and depression are closely linked with ties that are difficult to break. In addition to the fear at the time of diagnosis, we find ourselves facing treatments such as chemotherapy that will inevitably transform our lives radically. We can’t always face these changes with the strength we need and at that time we are more vulnerable to depression.

Depression and cancer

  • Most cancer patients need psychological treatment, as the side effects of the disease are devastating. The emotional balance collapses at the moment the dreaded word cancer appears, due to the fear caused by its mention and because we all know that from that moment on the life we ​​knew will disappear.
  • We enter into an endless medical pilgrimage with explanations that we do not always understand but that cause us terror, uncertainty seizes us because we are no longer in control of our lives and anguish makes its appearance due to the fear of not overcoming the disease. All this can cause us to fall into a depression that further hinders the chances of recovery.
  • To some extent it is inevitable to become discouraged and all our psychological strength to crumble when we are faced with a disease like cancer. However, this is a situation where we must stay strong and positive, something that experts say is a big part of successful healing.

How to avoid cancer depression

  • That is why we want to send all our encouragement to those people who are fighting cancer in the form of hope and motivation, so that their disease does not turn into an emotional disorder and they focus on dealing only with physical problems. And to maintain a good mood, the first thing we need is affection. Affection from friends, partner, family or other people in the same situation.
  • Any help is welcome in these cases in which a person cannot get by alone. We must also try to continue maintaining, as far as possible, the activities that make us happy, such as going out with friends, or spending a weekend in the countryside in revitalizing contact with nature.
  • Many people believe that they could avoid falling into discouragement and sadness if they could forget at some point in their illness. The truth is that this is not possible, so we adopt the popular saying “if you can’t beat your enemy, join him” to recommend full involvement of cancer patients in their treatment, fluid communication with the medical team and full knowledge of the disease process.
  • In this way, it is possible for the person suffering from cancer to remain active fighting the disease and not leave time for sadness. At the same time, her active participation in helping and informing other people in her situation will keep her motivated enough not to fall into depression.

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