Foods rich in serotonin against depression

According to experts, a change in serotonin levels can cause depression in certain people. Apart from medications that can supply this lack of serotonin in the body, there are a number of foods with certain properties and nutrients that also help boost serotonin levels.

Foods rich in serotonin to combat depression

  • Foods rich in vitamin B. In most cases, low levels of vitamin B in the body result in the appearance of diseases such as depression or anxiety. That is why it is very important to eat foods rich in vitamin B. Products such as cereals, potatoes, pork, bananas, eggs or dairy products are perfect to include in your daily diet and thus have a good level of serotonin in the body.
  • Foods rich in fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are vital for the proper functioning of the brain and a deficiency of these acids causes low levels of serotonin causing depressive episodes among people. These essential fatty acids for the body are found in foods such as nuts, kale, spinach or oily fish such as salmon or tuna.
  • Foods rich in L-thiamine. L-thiamine is an amino acid that is often found in green tea. This substance helps to relax the body and to sleep much better. That is why, if you have a lack of serotonin in your body, a good option is to drink a cup of green tea a day.
  • Foods rich in magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral well known for helping to relax muscles and nerves. Increases energy levels and activates the B vitamins necessary for the production of serotonin. Foods rich in magnesium and that cannot be missing from your daily diet are spinach, apples, carrots or soy milk.

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