Good and bad drinks for depression

Following somewhat the theory that depression is not a disease of a specific organ, but rather a disease that affects the whole of our body, if we want to overcome this depression as soon as possible, we must take into account all the aspects that surround our health.

For this reason, we want to control all those areas that medical treatments for depression do not reach, such as diet or lifestyle. And so, we have asked ourselves what are the drinks that we should avoid in a depression and what are the drinks that can help us overcome depression.

Drinks to avoid in depression

  • It is inevitable to talk once more about the relationship between alcohol and depression. Without knowing very well if alcohol is the cause or effect of depression, we can ensure that alcoholic beverages are the first to avoid in a case of depression. The reason is simple; alcohol is capable of altering our mood and that is something that in a depression we must keep under control as far as possible.
  • When we talk about eliminating alcohol in a case of depression, we are not talking about eliminating it completely. A glass of wine with meals seems to provide only benefits and no drawbacks. What it does seem that we should eliminate almost completely are exciting drinks such as coffee or tea. And it is that during a depression, sleep disorders can greatly affect our quality of life.
  • In order to regulate the sleep cycle during depression and keep stress and anxiety at bay, it is advisable to eliminate these exciting drinks. In any case, a cup of coffee or tea when we get up can help us start the day with more energy, but we should not exceed that amount if we want antidepressants and other treatments to take effect.

What to drink in a depression

  • Eliminated or reduced to a minimum alcohol, coffee, tea and soft drinks, which are also exciting, what can we drink in a depression? We are not going to talk about magic herbal teas against depression or miraculous infusions that make us happier. But we do recommend drinking relaxing infusions that do not interfere with our sleep cycle and that keep us relaxed and less anxious.
  • A depression can be a good time to change habits and discover new customs. If you have not yet become a lover of natural juices, now is the perfect time to discover the world of natural drinks, their explosions of flavor and their benefits for the body.
  • Nor can we forget about that fundamental ally, home remedy or natural antidepressant that is chocolate, which is not just for eating. Chocolate is also drunk and we can enjoy this drink in a thousand different ways throughout the day.

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