Home remedies to treat depression

Depression has a growing impact on modern society. In fact, according to data from the World Health Organization, there are 121 million people who currently suffer from this disease in the world, surpassing other medical incidents such as cardiovascular pathologies. The treatment of this anomaly remains a source of ongoing controversy since no definitive cure has been found to date. However, it is possible to affirm that a combination of drugs with certain alternative actions can generate a notable state of improvement.

Fight depression with home remedies

  • Phototherapy is one of the most solid aids that we can find when facing a potential cure for a depressive state. Specifically, St. John’s worth is able to help us both regulate sleep patterns and increase the feeling of well-being in those of us who suffer from moderate depression. This complementary herb to medical treatments can be obtained very easily in specialized establishments. The daily amount to be administered must be previously consulted with the doctor who is monitoring our case.
  • Exercise can be another important aid in the process of overcoming a disease as complex as depression. According to medical data, it is estimated that the practice of sport can reduce up to 50% of the symptoms suffered, as long as the practice takes place on a minimum of three days a week. It must be taken into account that the most important contribution of physical exercise results in a clear improvement in both mood and attitude towards the disease. If we manage to maintain a regularity, the benefits will increase.
  • Diet is another area to take care of when trying to cure depression. In fact, nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids – which can be found in foods such as nuts, avocados or oily fish – improve the functioning of brain activity and, according to various investigations, reduce the risk of suffering from this pathology. Seeing ourselves healthy and with a balanced body will also be a factor in improving our mood.

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