Hypnosis to treat depression, does it work

Since hypnosis was presented some years ago as an effective method to quit smoking, there are many problems and diseases that are treated through this technique that arouses both rejection and support. And depression could not escape this current of hypnotic healing that is becoming more and more entrenched in our society.

We do not like to rule out any method, however strange or unknown, that can help us overcome depression. That is why we have become interested in hypnosis as a treatment for depression and have discovered that it is effective. But we have also discovered that in this world of hypnosis you have to be very careful with charlatans, magicians and scammers.

How can hypnosis help you overcome depression?

  • Hypnosis produces a certain rejection in us because we associate it with those television shows in which a hypnotist plays with the will of any unwary person who has come as an audience. That is why we cannot completely separate hypnosis from the embarrassing spectacle.
  • However, hypnosis gives very good results in the treatment of some diseases and also addictions. We are talking about clinical hypnosis, carried out by professionals and used in conjunction with other psychological treatments. Because the truth is that the way in which hypnosis has to help us overcome depression is very similar to that of psychotherapy.
  • In reality, hypnosis focuses on transforming the point of view of the person with depression, eliminating negative thinking for a more optimistic one and showing them all those psychological resources that each person has within to deal with problems. That is hypnosis, a kind of cleansing of the negative and allowing the positive to prevail.

How to know if your hypnotist is a professional

  • That there is a method that teaches us to take life from another point of view, using our own psychological resources is a real luxury not to try it. The problem is in the number of fakers who pose as professionals. Hypnotists, hypnotists or hypnotherapists, how do we know if we are dealing with a professional?
  • The first thing you should know is that a professional hypnosis session can only be performed by a doctor of any specialty or a psychologist, both registered and both with studies in hypnosis techniques. Therefore, check your hypnotist’s license number before putting yourself in their hands.
  • In addition, the place where he is going to carry out the sessions, if he has his own premises or if he does it in a rented room for events, can give you some clues about the professionalism of the hypnotist. And it is especially revealing if it promises a miraculous cure, because you well know that overcoming depression is not an easy matter or within the scope of any miracle.

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