I am ashamed to say and admit that I have depression: what do I do?

The reasons that lead you to not want to tell that you are going through a depressive disorder

You don’t need to post it in the local paper, on social media, or shout it from the rooftops: I have depression! But it is true that if you are ashamed to say and admit that you have depression, it may take you longer to heal because of the weight of the secrets. We get it, it’s hard to admit that you have depression even to yourself, but the sooner you stop embarrassing yourself, the sooner you can get over it. Here are some tips that may help you.

Why are you ashamed of depression?

  • Being ashamed of depression is very common, but it is not the most recommended attitude because it can hinder your recovery. Bearing in mind that the diagnosis of the disease itself takes a long time and that it takes a while longer until you recognize it to yourself and accept your situation, it is logical that you have many qualms when it comes to acknowledging it to others.
  • But let us tell you something. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Have you ever been ashamed of having been sick with something else? No, right? Well, you must be very clear that depression has not been chosen by you, it is not that you are less than anyone, nor is it weaker. And that all those people who can sometimes look down on you thinking that you have no reason to be bad are not free from depression one day either.
  • Depression is a terrible disease. It destroys your interior, it collapses you, paralyzes you, affects your work and creates problems with your partner, family or friends. In short, depression is slowly destroying your life if you let it progress. For this reason, it is important not to feel ashamed, so as not to look the other way and come face to face with her.
  • But all this is something that your psychologist will clarify much better, essential to overcome a depressive disorder.

The need to recognize and tell that you have depression

  • What we know from experience is that recognizing that you have depression can help you get out of the hole. It’s hard at first, it’s true. And count on having to face the misunderstanding of others and the most inconvenient and painful reactions. “You don’t have any serious problem to have depression”. You will hear this phrase so many times that you run the risk of believing it and continuing to be ashamed of your illness.
  • Do you know the weight that secrets have? You can try to go through a depression and not tell anyone, but it will be much more difficult because of that weight exerted by silences. And of silences you will have enough. So do not be afraid, because it is more fear than shame that prevents you from admitting to others that you are suffering from depression.

And do you know what happens when you dare to admit what you’re going through?

  • That you free yourself At least a part of you is released and you can walk a little lighter. Depression is a ballast that prevents you from moving forward, do not add more weight to it.
  • That you will find more people in your same situation, who are going through depression or who have gone through it. Lean on them especially to be able to speak without misgivings. Those people will understand you better, even when you don’t understand yourself.
  • That by acknowledging that you have depression you may be helping other people to identify their problem. If you also talk about your depression in a natural and open way, you will be creating an atmosphere of complicity that any depressed person so much needs.
  • That you can overcome depression sooner. Acknowledging it to yourself and acknowledging it to others makes your depression lose strength, it controls you a little less.
  • Without realizing it, by acknowledging and saying that you have depression, you are beginning to take charge of your life again. And that is the first step to recovery.

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