I’m sad, do I have to celebrate Christmas?

Is a different Christmas possible?

Lights, Christmas carols, copious meals, a united family, peace, generosity, love, shopping, gifts…all of that is Christmas. Actually, Christmas is a celebration with a religious origin in which the birth of Jesus is celebrated. But all that doesn’t say anything to you. And it is that you are not at your best moment. If you are sad, should we celebrate Christmas? We are wondering if it is mandatory to celebrate Christmas.

You are sad, you are depressed, and you are not at your best. Your financial problems make you feel vulnerable, your health has suffered in recent months and your relationship with your family is not at its best. You have broken up with your partner, you live in another country or you have to work more than ever precisely at Christmas. The reasons why Christmas makes you reject can be infinite.

The hypocrisy, the waste, the noise…we can continue. But we shouldn’t have to look for so many reasons. There are moments in life when we are not ready for parties, when we just want to rest, take a break and find the reason for our sadness and a solution to our emotional problems. But Christmas arrives and he does not understand particularities. You are one more grain of sand and you have to fulfill your Christmas function.

At first it doesn’t seem fair that you have to go to the company dinner, stay with your schoolmates or go to multiple family dinners and lunches when you don’t feel like anything. Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, Three Kings Day… and some more days that each family establishes as an immovable tradition.

Reasons to celebrate Christmas

  • There are also many reasons to make an effort and celebrate Christmas, but there are two more powerful ones that you may not have to face:
  • The family custom; in your lifelong house you have all gathered for Christmas Eve dinner. Grandparents, parents, brothers, uncles and other family. You don’t feel like it this year because you’re sad, but have you thought about how your family will feel if you don’t show up? Surely they will worry about your emotional state and they will not enjoy this Christmas so much.
  • The question is obligatory: do you have to hurt yourself so as not to upset your family? And the answer can only be given by yourself. There is no possible advice because you are the one who must assess whether celebrating Christmas is going to cause you more damage than your absence can cause.
  • Children; Children are the true protagonists of Christmas. It is true that there are families that do not celebrate these dates for a thousand reasons, but almost never because they are sad. If you have small children, they will not understand that you deprive them of the biggest party of the year because of your sadness.
  • Think twice, because your sadness may increase when you see that your children lose the illusion and magical moments that they live on these dates.

Is a different Christmas possible?

  • Did you know that there are more and more people in your situation? People who find Christmas a difficult date to digest. That is why cases of depression increase at this time and that is why we wonder if a different Christmas is possible.
  • Given the difficulty of escaping from Christmas and pretending they were normal days, we have thought of living these dates in a different way. It is a good time to start showing your most supportive side. You’re sad? Many people are and you can help them. From helping in a shelter to participating to make a child at risk of exclusion smile. And what about having dinner with an elderly person who is alone?
  • There are more options to live Christmas in addition to the traditional one, you just have to find the one that best suits your mood. And who knows, maybe you’ll also find a way to feel less sad.

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