Improve your self-esteem to avoid depression

We know that the causes of depression are varied, from a physical maladjustment over which we have no control to a pessimistic or negative attitude about life. But one of the most common causes of depression is a lack of self-esteem.

When we talk about finding emotional balance, empowering and discovering our inner world, we do it with the aim of obtaining a more realistic perspective on ourselves, something that can combat the lack of self-esteem, so frequent in these times, and that can reduce the risk of depression.

From low self-esteem to depression

Depression is characterized by a deep feeling of low spirits, sadness, exhaustion, anguish, and lack of interest. We all know the risks involved in falling into depression and not finding the appropriate resources to treat it in time without it becoming a problem that marks our lives forever.

That is why it is so important to maintain or find emotional balance, to feel surer of ourselves, more confident, more optimistic and to have a real vision of our inner world and who we really are. Because what causes low self-esteem is nothing but a distorted and impaired vision of ourselves.

That we do not feel comfortable with ourselves, we are too critical of our way of acting, we are dissatisfied for not having achieved the objectives set and we think that we will never be able to achieve our dreams because we are not capable, not smart enough, not happy enough, Not pretty enough, we don’t even have the luck we need. We are facing a self-esteem problem that can get us dangerously close to depression.

Raise self-esteem to ward off depression

  • Let’s be realistic ; With the amount of information and simple tricks to raise self-esteem that circulates on the Internet, the strange thing is that we have not yet managed to find that emotional balance that leads us to maintain an adequate level of self-esteem and self- confidence. Perhaps it is that all these tricks are very convincing on paper but are not entirely viable.
  • To maintain our self-esteem at acceptable levels, without falling into arrogance or egocentrism, it is not enough to do psych technical exercises, to cast spells on the moon or to try to convince ourselves that we are perfect. We are not perfect nor do we claim to be and we must assume that we have as many abilities as disabilities. So the best thing will be to accept our weaknesses and enhance our abilities.
  • If we must be clear about something, it is that all of us have that something in which we really stand out, that area in which we are really good. The only trick is to dedicate time to ourselves, to get to know each other and to discover what it is that makes us special. And once we discover it, we dedicate ourselves to developing it. Only then will we avoid the sadness and discouragement of not having learned to value ourselves.

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