Is acupuncture used to treat depression?

A technique that could be used for depression

We keep asking ourselves what is the best treatment for depression. And we came to the conclusion that there is no single treatment that can be considered the true remedy for depression. Overcoming a depression will depend as much on the cause of that depression as on the physical and mental conditions of the person who suffers from it.

That is why we may have to try several treatments before finding the most suitable one to overcome our depression. And in our search for the best treatments we do not rule out anything, neither drugs, nor psychotherapy, nor homeopathy, nor any alternative medicine or treatment. So we have become interested in acupuncture as a treatment for depression.

What is acupuncture?

  • Acupuncture is a traditional medicine widely used since ancient times in China and Japan that is based on the energies that flow through our body, maintaining a balance between the physical and the emotional. If that balance is broken for some reason, diseases appear and it is at that moment that acupuncture acts, to restore that balance of energy and health.
  • The method of action of acupuncture is based on the application of needles at certain points of the body depending on the problem to be treated, in this case depression. It seems that by exerting pressure on these points, the energy flow is restored and the problem of the disease is acted directly.
  • Acupuncture is one of those alternative and traditional medicines that are highly regarded by medical science, to such an extent that this technique has been updated and renewed, being able to go from traditional needles to exert pressure to laser.

Acupuncture for depression

  • In any case, and despite the fact that hardly any side effects of acupuncture have been described, if you are going to decide on this technique to treat depression, you should put yourself in the hands of professionals and do not rule out any other more conventional treatment . Generally, almost all treatments for depression work best when combined with others, especially psychological therapy.
  • It is true that acupuncture can help in the treatment of depression, since we are talking about an emotional imbalance that may or may not have a specific cause, but in any case, it is a maladjustment. If acupuncture restores the flow of vital energy, to the point of restoring the balance of the body, it is logical that we are facing a very effective treatment to overcome depression.
  • Generally, for the treatment of depression, acupuncture affects the energy points of the hands and forearms and is also a good method to reduce some of the symptoms of depression such as anxiety or insomnia. In any case, it should be borne in mind that it will take about five sessions to begin to see results and feel better.

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