Mood Depression: A Character Trait That Needs Treatment

There are people who have a bad mood, negative, pessimistic who over time become irascible and even aggressive. Until now, bad mood had been considered as a personality trait that we could change and there is no shortage of advice to take life in a better mood.

However, more and more specialists support the theory that chronic bad mood, that which does not arise at a certain moment of anger, but is an attitude towards life, responds to certain neuronal imbalances and is closely related to depression.

Bad mood and depression

  • Contrary to what happens with sadness, anxiety, work problems or sentimental breakups, which can be the cause or effect of depression, the relationship between bad mood and depression is on another plane. And it is that more and more specialists are treating bad mood with the same therapies as depression.
  • Bad mood has components of insecurity, fear, dissatisfaction and manifests itself in the form of negativity, irritability and aggressiveness, but ultimately, bad mood has a physiological origin caused by neuronal imbalances. It seems that people with a bad mood have low levels of dopamine and endorphins, something that prevents them from enjoying life.
  • It is not, therefore, a character trait, something that can be changed only with will, but rather responds to a chemical process that must be treated with the same methods as depression, that is, with pharmacological and psychological treatment. After all, a bad mood presents some symptoms typical of depression such as lack of hope, loss of interest and restlessness.

Consequences of bad mood

  • We already know how poorly treated depression can destroy the life of those who suffer from it. The same thing happens with chronic bad mood, since it is an extremely difficult situation to tolerate both for the person who suffers from it and for those around them.
  • Because a bad mood implies a negative vision of life, everything is wrong and everything will continue to be wrong because it cannot be otherwise. In addition, the person who suffers from a bad mood feels attacked and reacts aggressively. Any issue is cause for discussion and any situation is cause for dissatisfaction.
  • In this way, a bad mood can leave the sick person in a state of social exclusion with a serious risk of suicide. A circumstance that is aggravated by the lack of diagnosis and treatment that will remain until bad mood does not receive the attention it deserves like any other emotional disorder.

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