Music, the best antidote against depression

To overcome a depression we do not want to rule out any help. As a complement to the pharmacological and psychological treatments that are necessary in almost all cases of depression, we can resort to other alternative therapies, more natural and without any side effects.

One of the best therapies or allies against depression is music. Music, which is said to tame beasts, directly influences our state of mind. But we are not talking only about listening to music, but also about practicing it. Find out what music can do for you to overcome depression.

Music therapy for depression

  • All these alternative and natural therapies to combat various diseases such as laughter therapy, aromatherapy or yoga itself, are often considered resources to kill time by discarding their benefits on our health. However, anyone who has tried any of these therapies continues with it as a complement to other treatments. This is the case of music therapy to treat depression.
  • Music therapy works in two directions in cases of depression. The best known, as a treatment for depression, but also for other illnesses, is listening to music. Music, which depending on the problem to be treated will be more relaxing, more energetic, more joyful or softer. But it is proven that listening to music directly influences the mood.
  • Apart from listening to music, music can also help us get out of depression if we practice it. Playing an instrument or singing is one of the most recommended activities in cases of depression or decay, because it manages to take us to a moment of well-being and makes us see what we are capable of, we value ourselves more.

The music that helps you in depression

  • Regarding being an active part of the music and not just listening to it, there are many people who have certain reluctance. They may never have had any musical skills or they may be afraid to try something new, such as playing a musical instrument. But you have to keep in mind that the goal is not to become a renowned pianist, but to start feeling good and overcome depression.
  • Imagine what it is like to observe a musical instrument from afar, from the piano to the bagpipes, passing through the guitar, and see how, as the weeks go by, that instrument begins to reveal its secrets and the secrets of music to you. Imagine how you will feel after a while when you have learned to play some of your favorite songs.
  • The benefits of music to combat depression are also observed during the learning process of any instrument. These are moments that you spend concentrating on the music, moments where only the instrument, the music and you exist, moments in which you push away your sadness to dedicate yourself to a song.

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