Neurotic depression: anxiety, phobias, and neuroses aggravated by depression

Causes of neurotic depression and treatment

On our way to learn everything related to depression, we come across a type of depression that, as with mild depression, its symptoms can remain hidden for a long time, since the characteristics of a character prevail over it. Neurotic.

We talk about neurotic depression and delve into its causes and symptoms, as well as possible treatments for this emotional disorder that presents a high risk of suicide. It is a disorder related to anxiety, phobias and neurosis. Therefore, we are going to examine very carefully the origin of neurotic depression.

Causes of neurotic depression

  • When we talk about neurotic depression, we are talking about a depressive disorder that is added to another previous neurotic disorder, so the symptoms of this depression can remain hidden for a long time. It is especially frequent in people with chronic anxiety symptoms, in those who suffer from some type of social phobia and in people with low self-esteem.
  • We have asked ourselves what is the origin of this neurotic depression and almost all the experts seem to agree that we must go back to childhood. That stage of personality formation that is decisive for our emotional balance as adults. The people most sensitive to suffering from some type of neurotic disorder are those who have grown up in an environment where their self-esteem was undermined, insecure people and who have a very negative concept of themselves.
  • The problem arises when the problems derived from this neurotic character are aggravated by a depressive disorder. In addition to problems such as anxiety, social phobia, shyness, hypochondria or insecurity, we must face the symptoms of depression. Is it possible to overcome a neurotic depression? Clearly yes.

Treatment of this type of anxiety

  • Like any type of depression, neurotic depression also has a cure. Now, the treatment must be more exhaustive than ever since it must be aimed at treating the symptoms of depression as well as those of the neurotic disorder. In any case, pharmacological treatment, that is, antidepressants, are an obligatory step to overcome this depression.
  • However, we must complement treatment with antidepressants with psychological therapy to help us deal with depression. But first we must overcome our neurotic disorder, so we are going to need different psychotherapy techniques. It will be the psychologist or psychiatrist who determines the most appropriate treatment, but in any case, the therapy must begin by transforming the negative vision of our personality and increasing our self-confidence.
  • Although we always recommend adding any remedy against depression that we find to medical treatment, in cases of neurotic depression, given the number of open fronts and the difficulty in identifying them, it is better to take the first steps of our recovery guided by professionals. It will be later, when we already see some progress, when we can start working on our personal development by ourselves.

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