Organic depression: a depression due to medical causes

Treatment for organic depression

The causes of depression are so varied that it is sometimes difficult to establish the origin of the emotional disorder. We know about endogenous depression, post-traumatic depression and many other types of depression whose causes are sometimes concrete and sometimes not.

We also know depression due to illness, caused by an incorrect adaptation to the health situation we are experiencing. And another depression closely linked to the disease, since it is determined by medical causes, is organic depression or somatogenic depression.

 What is organic depression?

  • Organic depression or somatogenic depression occurs as a result of the physical symptoms of a disease or the effects of certain medications. It is not about non-acceptance of the disease, but about the fact that the symptoms of the disease themselves cause depression.
  • This is the case of thyroid diseases, for example, anemia, viral infections, herpes, and some types of cancer, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s. This organic depression can also be produced by certain medications, including anxiolytics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and oral contraceptives.
  • This type of organic depression is very difficult to diagnose because its symptoms can be confused with the symptoms of the disease being suffered, something that in turn makes treatment difficult. In any case, like any other type of depression, organic depression can also be cured.

Treatment of organic depression

  • Although this organic depression comes as a consequence of an illness, once that illness is overcome, it is possible that the depression lasts. That is why it is important to diagnose this disease in time and not confuse it with a natural state of mind of a sick person.
  • Among the most effective treatments to overcome endogenous depression we find pharmacological treatment with antidepressants, although it is always advisable to complete recovery with cognitive therapy that will strengthen our emotional balance for the future, thus avoiding a relapse or chronic depression.
  • And although it still sounds a bit strong to us, electroconvulsive therapy is a good option for the most severe cases of organic depression where the risk of suicide is higher, as well as for all those depressions that do not respond to pharmacological treatments.

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