Postpartum depression: main symptoms and how to overcome it

Ivana Trump has just confessed that she has gone through this disease

Ivana Trump (Photo Gtres), Donald Trump’s “favorite daughter”, has just announced that she has suffered from postpartum depression , a disease that affects, according to a study recently published by Spavined, 35% of women in Spain.

And, perhaps, the most shocking thing has not been the fact that Ivana Trump confessed that she suffered from postpartum depression but the fact that he lived it with his three children: Arabella (6), Joseph (3), and the last to arrive, Theodore. “I consider myself an ambitious woman, demanding of myself, passionate, impulsive, but postpartum depression touched me,” she explained in an interview on an American television program. “I had some pretty easy pregnancies, and maybe because of that, it hit me the hardest. I felt like I was falling short of my role as a mother and as an entrepreneur.” With these statements, Trump joins the list of other celebrities who have also suffered from postpartum depression such as the singer Adele or the actress Gwyneth Patrol.

Postpartum depression: main symptoms

According to the study to which we have referred above, 39% of Spanish women who are not yet mothers do not know what postpartum depression is and 90% have symptoms of postpartum depression. What are those characteristics or symptoms that lead to this disorder?

  1. Sadness, hopelessness and emptiness.
  2. Uncontrolled crying for no apparent reason.
  3. Bad mood, irritability and restlessness.
  4. Anxiety and anguish.
  5. Excess or lack of appetite.
  6. I wish to be alone.
  7. Tiredness or lack of energy.
  8. Denial towards the baby or overprotection.

One of the things that most worries mothers who suffer from postpartum depression is that these symptoms disappear as soon as possible, but everything will depend on whether the woman undergoes any treatment (psychologist and/or antidepressants) and also on the family situation of each person, therefore the symptoms can last between six months and a year.

Can I suffer from postpartum depression?

The case of Ivana Trump shows that the social class or status of the woman does not matter, because anyone can suffer from postpartum depression. Although it is not possible to determine a pattern of women, nor can it be causes or antecedents, we could say that mothers who have a personal or family history of depression are more likely to experience symptoms of postpartum depression. Other factors, such as stress, low social support, and complications of pregnancy or childbirth, also place women at higher risk for postpartum depression.

How to overcome postpartum depression?

If you are going through a postpartum depression, we have good news! you come out of it stronger, but for this to happen we are going to give you some advice:

  1. Take care of your diet. Try to eat products rich in Omega 3, such as salmon, or yellow fruits such as pineapple or peach.
  2. Take time for yourself. Your baby is very important to you, but you have to have time to pamper yourself. What if you sign up for some activity such as Pilates or medication? If you’re not okay, neither is he.
  3. Don’t force yourself. Your partner, family and friends will try to cheer you up by proposing plans. It is clear that you are not going to feel like any, but it is important that you do not close yourself off but, in turn, that you do not do anything that you do not feel like.
  4. Think about the future. The mind is very powerful and only if we think (and believe it) that it is something temporary will we be able to control negative thoughts.
  5. Go to a professional. Psychological therapy can help you see things differently.
  6. Find people who have been through the same thing. Realizing that you’re not the only one experiencing postpartum depression will help you feel better.

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