Reflexology to treat depression

How can reflexology help you feel better?

  • We are increasingly convinced that depression treatments must act globally, combating all the symptoms of depression, but also treating the origin of the problem, which is none other than an imbalance between mind and body.
  • Trying to find that balance, so that our own body is the one that starts the healing processes, we have approached some alternative therapies, based on millennia of tradition such as acupuncture, Reiki or reflexology. Discover reflexology as a treatment for depression.

What is reflexology?

  • We have already seen it in the case of acupuncture or Reiki massages, that the pressure, massage or stimulation of certain areas of our body can solve problems such as insomnia, stress and anxiety. And it seems that in the case of depression, they are also very effective.
  • Reflexology is a technique that consists of pressing or massaging specific points, especially on the foot, but also on the hands, knees or elbows. These specific points are called reflex zones, which function as links with other parts of our body. We are facing a vision of the organism as an interconnected whole, something that is very close to the idea that to overcome depression we need to restore balance and energy flows.
  • By pressing on some points of the foot, the stimulation is reflected in the part of the body that is connected to that reflex area, so the benefits of this technique are observed not only in cases of depression, but also in other diseases, muscular problems, insomnia, etc. In any case, it is convenient to put yourself in the hands of professionals if we decide on reflexology to treat depression.

How can reflexology help you in depression?

  • Many of the symptoms of depression, such as insomnia, fatigue, anxiety or even muscle aches can be reduced with a reflexology treatment. But it is also that this technique also acts on the mood in general, so after a reflexology session we will immediately feel more animated.
  • In the foot, the reflex zones that must be worked on to help us overcome depression are found in the fingers and at the very base of the fingers, since they are the ones that are directly connected to the brain. In this way, the communication channels between the brain and the foot are restored and the energy flows again naturally.
  • The advantages of reflexology to treat depression are many, since it does not have side effects. But as we always warn, when we talk about depression and alternative therapies, we must take these techniques as a complement to pharmacological and psychological treatment.

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