Remembering the good times to treat depression

According to recent data from the World Health Organization, more than 350 million people suffer from some type of dysfunction related to depression. Given the fact that a large part of this number of patients does not receive adequate treatment for said pathology, it is quite normal that we tend to worry about the different ways that currently exist to deal with an anomaly as devastating as the one exposed. By affecting us in a fundamentally emotional way, it is possible that depression finds a cure in the good memories that we accumulate throughout our lives.

Treat depression based on good memories

  • Clinging to the good memories that many of the situations we experience in our lives leave us, setting aside the negative moments, is a point of support that helps us overcome unpleasant circumstances that can occur in our lives. And it is that according to some current psychological studies, this can be a very constructive therapy when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude in our lives and, by extension, to prevent a depressive process from lasting longer than desirable.
  • We can verify these affirmations for ourselves in periods as extraordinary as vacation trips. When we remember them, on a large percentage of occasions, we tend to automatically stay with the positive experiences, therefore discarding all those that have been unpleasant to us in some way. Applying these techniques in a medical setting can enhance psychological treatments to help women overcome emotional pathologies such as depression.
  • Recently, a program aimed at applying these theories in real patients has been developed in the Netherlands. This is a series of sessions in which psychologists help depressed patients to review their lives. In this way, therapy participants can achieve a more effective understanding of the most important events in their lives, giving greater relevance to those that have left a positive mark on memory.

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