Sadness, cause or symptom of depression?

Emotions cannot be delimited or, often, defined, so it is quite common to confuse states such as sadness, anxiety, discouragement, anguish, lack of motivation or depression.

Depression is an emotional disorder that can have serious consequences if it is not treated on time, and it is a situation in which we can find symptoms such as sadness. It is also true that going through a prolonged period of sadness, if we do not know how to manage it, can lead us to depression.

Differentiate between sadness and depression

  • Sadness is generally considered to be a momentary episode that subsides immediately, although it may reappear later. In addition, sadness usually has a clear and defined reason, be it the loss of a loved one, a breakup, bad news, etc. Another thing is that this feeling of sadness is commonplace when it appears as a symptom of depression.
  • Because a depressive state inevitably includes sadness, but also many other negative emotions such as anxiety, anguish, desolation or hopelessness. However, depression is also associated with numerous physical consequences, which sadness does not.
  • Because when we are sad we feel without strength and without the desire to do anything, but we do not suffer from insomnia, or weight change, or headache or muscle pain, or fatigue, or even shortness of breath, all of them symptoms that come from the hand of the Depression. Therefore, it is convenient to distinguish between sadness as a state of mind and depression as an illness or emotional disorder.

Drive away sadness, drive away depression

  • But although sadness and depression are not the same, we have to recognize that the grief, pain, anguish and desolation that a deep sadness produces is so close to depression that if we stay in that state for a long time we can get sick. That’s why we want to keep sadness out of our lives, to also keep depression away.
  • It is not always easy to avoid sadness, nor can we often avoid suffering from an emotional disorder such as depression. However, there are things that we can work on to maintain our emotional balance and not let ourselves be overcome by the inevitable adversities of life. Faced with sadness, there is a smile. Smile even if you don’t feel like it, because eventually your smile will win over discouragement.
  • It is also very important to take refuge in all those pleasant and beautiful things that make us feel good, such as music, books, flowers or aromas. And if we go through frequent periods of sadness, we must try to get away from all those toxic people who transmit negative feelings to us.

Sadness, cause or symptom of depression?

  • Emotions cannot be delimited or, often, defined, so it is quite common to confuse states such as sadness, anxiety, discouragement, anguish, lack of motivation or depression.
  • Depression is an emotional disorder that can have serious consequences if it is not treated on time, and it is a situation in which we can find symptoms such as sadness. It is also true that going through a prolonged period of sadness, if we do not know how to manage it, can lead us to depression.

Differentiate between sadness and depression

  • Sadness is generally considered to be a momentary episode that subsides immediately, although it may reappear later. In addition, sadness usually has a clear and defined reason, be it the loss of a loved one, a breakup, bad news, etc. Another thing is that this feeling of sadness is commonplace when it appears as a symptom of depression.
  • Because a depressive state inevitably includes sadness, but also many other negative emotions such as anxiety, anguish, desolation or hopelessness. However, depression is also associated with numerous physical consequences, which sadness does not.
  • Because when we are sad we feel without strength and without the desire to do anything, but we do not suffer from insomnia, or weight change, or headache or muscle pain, or fatigue, or even shortness of breath, all of them symptoms that come from the hand of the Depression. Therefore, it is convenient to distinguish between sadness as a state of mind and depression as an illness or emotional disorder.

Drive away sadness, drive away depression

  • But although sadness and depression are not the same, we have to recognize that the grief, pain, anguish and desolation that a deep sadness produces is so close to depression that if we stay in that state for a long time we can get sick. That’s why we want to keep sadness out of our lives, to also keep depression away.
  • It is not always easy to avoid sadness, nor can we often avoid suffering from an emotional disorder such as depression. However, there are things that we can work on to maintain our emotional balance and not let ourselves be overcome by the inevitable adversities of life. Faced with sadness, there is a smile. Smile even if you don’t feel like it, because eventually your smile will win over discouragement.
  • It is also very important to take refuge in all those pleasant and beautiful things that make us feel good, such as music, books, flowers or aromas. And if we go through frequent periods of sadness, we must try to get away from all those toxic people who transmit negative feelings to us.

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