Seasonal depression: don’t let the weather affect your emotional balance

It is proven that the weather can greatly affect our state of mind. There are people who are more sensitive to seasonal changes and the arrival of winter, for example, causes them immense sadness that, if not managed well, can lead to seasonal depression.

Given the number of factors that can cause depression, we want to be prepared to combat any symptoms of depression from the first moment. And we are not going to allow the natural cycle of the seasons to prevent us from being happy. So we have informed ourselves to know in depth what seasonal depression is.

What is seasonal depression?

  • Seasonal depression is an emotional disorder caused by seasonal changes, especially before the arrival of winter, although the symptoms of this depression can also occur in the face of summer. And we cannot forget the characteristic sadness of autumn or the well-known spring asthenia. The fact is that the weather can alter our emotional balance considerably.
  • The symptoms of seasonal depression are the same as those of any other type of depression, such as sadness, disturbed sleep cycle, changes in eating habits, disappointment, pessimism, fatigue, or social withdrawal. Although at first glance it may seem that it is a temporary emotional disorder, care must be taken because it can lead to chronic depression.
  • This seasonal depression is also closely related to episodes of anxiety and if it occurs very strongly it can appear combined with thoughts of suicide. So we must forget about not paying attention to our changes in mood caused by the weather, since seasonal depression requires its treatment.

How to overcome seasonal depression

  • Since seasonal depression occurs mainly in winter, light therapy has been found to be very effective in restoring mood. But in any case, it is a depression that may require drug treatment and compulsory psychological therapy. Also, there are some habits that we can change to prevent seasonal depression from affecting us.
  • It is very important, for example, to maintain good sleep hygiene, as well as to control our eating habits, taking special care in the face of seasonal changes. We must also observe when the first symptoms appear, since not all people suffer from this depression in winter, but also in summer.
  • For this seasonal depression, it is essential to practice physical exercise on a regular basis and maintain usual activities. That winter and the lack of light do not lock you up at home, try to continue with your social life, even if you don’t feel like it, and with those activities that make you feel good.

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