Social networks can cause depression in women

Depression is one of the most widespread psychological pathologies today, with such an impact that it can incapacitate us for long periods of time to carry out any routine task. According to some current research, the use of social networks could be revealed as a key factor in generating this type of emotional anomalies. Prolonged use of these websites where we tend to partially or totally share events regarding our private lives could create, especially among younger women, isolation as well as envy and ongoing frustration.

Depressions caused by the use of social networks

  • This type of study, almost always focused on the impact of Internet use during adolescence , tends to show us that those girls with lower self-esteem -whether for physical or psychological reasons- are the ones who dedicate a greater part of their time it’s time to connect to the various social networks that exist today. The use of these online resources could increase, always according to some research such as the one published by the British health authority Public Health England, the risk of women to suffer mental damage, reaching a peak around four hours a day of connection.
  • The consequences of excessive use of social networks could result in both psychological illnesses and serious sociability problems. Given this scenario, a woman could end up suffering severe states of loneliness, low self-esteem, increased aggressiveness, anxiety and depression. In this way, we could establish a direct relationship between the times spent using networks such as Facebook or Twitter and the level of well-being of women.
  • As long as we observe symptoms such as those described, we should quickly go to consult an expert in the field. Although specialized magazines and studies point to very specific causes, depression is a pathology severe enough for the diagnosis of the factors that determine it to be as accurate as possible. If social networks are an important cause in their development, we should have the advice of a psychologist when it comes to addressing their use.

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