Spring Seasonal Disorder: Depression and Emotional Imbalance

It is common for the arrival of spring to cause anguish and anxiety

Throughout the year we spend seasons in which we feel more down, sad, melancholic and without the strength to move on. These are moments in which nothing out of the ordinary has happened to us, our problems have not increased and our situation has not worsened. We are just emotionally weak. It can be a seasonal disorder, and can occur at any time of the year, although spring can cause depression and a certain emotional imbalance. How does the change of season affect you?

Why does this spring disorder occur?

  • Many are emotionally affected by the arrival of autumn due to the reduction in daylight hours, the drop in temperatures and the consequent limitation of social activities. Something that is also felt during the winter, when any state of decay will be aggravated by the appearance of Christmas. And it is that autumn and winter are very conducive to increasing emotions such as sadness, nostalgia and loneliness.
  • In this way it might seem that the arrival of spring is a real relief for those people prone to anxiety and depression. Socially, spring is presented as a season for joy, a return to social activities and, of course, for love. Nothing is further from reality; whenever we find ourselves before a change of season we are faced with changes in the organism that can affect our emotional stability.
  • Spring depression, or spring fatigue, is one of the most common seasonal disorders. While some people go out into the streets dressed in colors and with their best smile, others have to face a series of emotional imbalances caused by the change of season. Anxiety worsens, physical discomfort due to allergies and the feeling of loneliness worsens. Of course it is true that “spring alters the blood”, but not always in a positive sense.

The weather affects the emotional balance

  • Many times we have wondered how it is possible that the changes of the seasons affect us so much. People who feel euphoric with the arrival of heat, while they are unable to get up from the sofa before the first fallen leaves of autumn. People who lose weight in summer due to their frenetic activity, while they accumulate a few extra kilos due to the winter break.
  • And it is that the weather has a direct relationship with emotional health, only that the way it affects us is not the same for all people. Light is a key reference for our state of mind, to the point that it is used to treat many cases of depression. The rain is also important, just look at all those people who feel sad the days before the rain, as if their own body were a weather station capable of predicting the weather.
  • The wind has more influence, especially the south wind, on all those people who already suffer from some psychological disorder, not to mention the excessive heat that is so harmful for those who suffer from anxiety. In any case, since we cannot transform the weather conditions where we live, we should recreate the ideal conditions in our home to improve our state of mind. Perhaps in this way, we would be able to reduce somewhat the impact of seasonal changes on our emotional balance.

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