Suicide: there is always another alternative

Every year one million people commit suicide around the world and more than 20 million try without success. September 10 is dedicated to the International Day for the Prevention of Suicide, given the alarming number of deaths that occur every day by choice. If death is a difficult episode for those close to them to bear, death by suicide is an even stronger blow due to the lack of understanding and the uncertainty as to whether this dramatic behavior could ever be prevented.

Signs of suicidal behavior

  • People who are going through a suicidal crisis are convinced that death is a more desirable situation than life. These people are generally going through a depressive period and sometimes feel alone, without any social ties.
  • The pain they feel from their current situation, which can be something specific or more general, is so intense and unbearable that it nullifies their ability to seek resources to relieve the pain or to deal with the problem. In this way, death is presented to them as the only possible alternative to put an end to their suffering. However, there is always another alternative. It must be borne in mind that no matter how bad things look, no matter how long this situation of anguish and pain lasts, at any moment the course of events can change.
  • The main goal that drives a person to commit suicide or attempt suicide is not to end their life, but to end their pain and despair. Therefore, another way will have to be found.

How to avoid suicide

  • It is convenient to undo some myths about suicide because it is a situation that in some cases we can avoid. The belief that people who warn that they are going to commit suicide, ultimately do not do so, is wrong. If you know someone who is in this situation, be alert, because 8 out of 10 people who commit suicide have clearly warned their loved ones. Thus, suicide is not something unforeseen, as many people think, but rather a series of signs that occur beforehand.
  • Nor is it true that if a person has tried to commit suicide, they will always try again. Medical help is essential to be able to overcome suicidal crises, because it is not a permanent conviction. If that person manages to overcome the anguish and pain, he will have no desire to end his life.
  • If you have a person around you who is going through a difficult, depressive moment and feeling drowned and with no possible way out, you will have to be attentive to the signals they send. If you are going through a suicidal crisis, it is essential not to deal with that person alone, you must seek professional help immediately and while the crisis is being resolved, accompany that person at all times.
  • The International Association for the Prevention of Suicide is a non-governmental organization supported by the World Health Organization that can help you in any situation related to suicide. Don’t hesitate to ask for help for yourself, or for those around you.

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