Telemedicine to overcome depression

The particular circumstances that surround each person can also determine their quality of life. Dependent people who cannot move on their own, people who live in areas with difficult access, people with emotional disorders who do not dare to go out… Telemedicine is aimed at all these people, which has been a success in the treatment of numerous illnesses, including depression. The advantages of telemedicine to treat depression.

What is telemedicine?

  • Telemedicine, or distance medicine, or health is a novel concept that comes to fill some gaps in the usual health systems. Not all people can travel to a specialist’s office, some even have difficulty getting primary care physically. This is how telemedicine is presented as a health resource that is more accessible to all.
  • Logically there are ailments that require face-to-face treatment, but telemedicine can range from diagnosis to follow-up in an effective, fast and more comfortable way for both patients and doctors. More than once you will have considered it unnecessary to spend an entire morning waiting at the doctor’s office for a review of the treatment that would not require physical contact.

Telemedicine for depression

  • In the case of emotional disorders, telemedicine has turned out to be an effective ally. Many patients with depression find themselves unable to leave the house, they do not have the strength to go to the consultation and their treatment cannot carry out adequate follow-up. In addition, through telemedicine results are achieved more quickly since appointments with the specialist can be less spaced.
  • The fact that through telematics means or using new technologies, a patient suffering from depression can feel more supported and more secure with respect to the treatment they are following is a revolution at the medical and social level. Telemedicine proposals to treat depression include cognitive behavioral therapy made possible by new technologies, as well as videoconferences reporting treatment advances.
  • For the moment, telemedicine is not very widespread, but we sense that it is one of the best means to reactivate the quality of the health system and to provide quality care to all people, regardless of their circumstances.

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