The best natural remedies to cure depression

We maintain that any type of depression must be treated by a team of medical professionals. We do not renounce pharmacological treatments or psychological therapy, but we are wondering if we can complement these treatments with other more natural ones.

Generally, any natural remedy does not harm medical treatments for depression at all, but in any case, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of an alternative treatment for depression before acting on your own.

Plants for depression

  • Phytotherapy is presented as one of those more effective and less harmful alternative medicines. We are talking about plants at the service of health, about extracting all the benefits from nature itself to feel better. There are some plants that are especially recommended in cases of depression.
  • One of them is St. John’s Wort, very effective for treating anxiety, insomnia and insecurity typical of depression. However, this is a plant that can present interactions with certain medications, so you should consult your doctor if you plan to take St. John’s Wort.
  • Other Natural remedies that are used to treat depression are Ginseng and Royal Jelly, with the aim of somewhat recovering strength and eliminating the feeling of exhaustion caused by depression. In the same way, Ginko Biloba seems to have stimulating properties that act directly on mood.

Foods for depression

  • Through a healthy and natural diet we can also help in the recovery process from depression and also in its prevention. Fruits are going to be the protagonists of an antidepressant diet, being the banana, kiwi and forest fruits such as blueberries, blackberries or raspberries the most effective for improving mood.
  • Green leafy vegetables and nuts seem to do very well in combating depression, as long as they are regularly included in the diet. And dairy products contribute to the formation of certain neurotransmitters, which is why they are one of the best allies against depression.
  • But we cannot forget about chocolate, especially dark chocolate, which is ranked as the best natural antidepressant for acting directly on brain functions that regulate mood.

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