The close relationship between anxiety and depression

It is not always easy to find enough psychological strength to face the tests to which we are subjected throughout our lives. Excess responsibility, badly assumed mistakes, competitiveness or stress weaken our emotional balance to the point of feeling frustrated, powerless and anguished. And so we find ourselves at the propitious moment to suffer a depression.

Anguish and depression; cause and effect

  • It is very natural that throughout life we ​​go through difficult moments, sadness, anguish or discouragement and we feel depressed. And although these are negative emotions, if we learn to manage them they can serve as a catharsis, which pushes us to start again with more force.
  • But when the feeling of anguish takes root in us for a long time, we must be alert and identify if that anguish is an emotional disorder that can lead to depression or is a clear symptom of an already consolidated depression. In any case, our goal will always be to recover emotional balance by seeking the best treatment, either for depression or for anxiety disorder.
  • The anguish that can lead us to depression is caused by excessive worry, when we lose perspective and are invaded by fear of what might happen, we cannot assimilate the uncertainty factor that life entails and we live immersed in an obsessive concern about for health, for the family, for work or for the future.

Avoid the anxiety that leads to depression

  • Anguish is characterized by a feeling of tightness in the chest, deep sadness, excessive worry, sweating, palpitations, and dizziness. All of them symptoms that also correspond to many other emotional disorders, which is why it is sometimes difficult to distinguish anguish, anxiety, panic attack, or depression.
  • In any case, since the symptoms are the same, the remedies to avoid anxiety are also the same as in the case of anxiety, that is, to seek the most effective means of relaxation. And one of our best allies to bring some peace of mind to our inner world is breathing, something that is so basic, we forget how to do it. Therefore, learning to breathe will be essential to keep anguish, anxiety or panic attacks at bay.
  • And although to avoid depression, the most important job we must do ourselves is by changing our perspective, whatever it may be, for another that allows us to feel happier and calmer, we cannot fail to recommend visiting a specialist so that our emotional disorder does not become a vital impediment.

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