The great danger of mixing alcohol and antidepressants

Drinking alcohol during treatment for depression, a bad combination?

Most drugs are incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, the question of whether I can drink alcohol if I am taking antidepressants has a quick answer. And the answer is a “no” with nuances, since it depends on the amount of alcohol you intend to drink. Like any medication, antidepressants mix badly with alcohol, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a glass of wine once in a while.

Of course, before doing so, you should be aware of the possible consequences and risks. In this article we warn you of the danger of mixing alcohol and antidepressants.

The bad combination between alcohol and antidepressants

  • Treating depression with drugs may be the best idea of ​​all if you keep track of how your antidepressants are working. But keep in mind that they are not magic pills that make depression disappear immediately when taken. There is a lot of psychological work to do and you also have to do a lot of your part by doing or not doing certain things.
  • Alcohol should be kept away during your depression for several reasons. Because a depressed state favors addictions, because alcohol can interfere with the function of medications and because the very functioning of alcohol is a kind of trap.
  • Having a few drinks, some beers or some wines can make you feel better, with more enthusiasm, with more energy or even more courage. But it’s a mirage and that emotional euphoria that alcohol gives you for a few hours immediately turns into a direct fall into the deepest well. This is alcohol and its effects can be managed without problems when you feel mentally well.
  • However, if you are taking antidepressants it is because you have a mood disorder, so the last thing you need is “external help” to confuse you more. Try to make the process of overcoming depression as natural as possible, even if you have to take medications that are not exactly natural. But you know it will only be for a while.
  • In the treatment of depression, in addition to drugs and psychological therapy, a return to healthier habits is recommended. Walking or doing some exercise, cultivating your passions, eating a balanced diet and being in contact with nature are an important part of your recovery. So, what role does alcohol play in this time that you need to heal?
  • Alcohol in any case can act as a social connector, although it would be convenient to banish myths and enjoy social relationships without the need for a beer. And it is true that one of the most recommended activities is to go out and socialize with people, but do you need alcohol for anything? There are soft drinks, infusions, juices or shakes.
  • Don’t you see yourself having a soda because you’ve always had beer? Well, you have two options: either you transform your habits (something very important to overcome any emotional disorder) or you drink that beer. A. It’s okay to drink a beer with or without antidepressants. The key, as always, is in the quantity.

What happens if you drink alcohol with antidepressants?

Many people wonder if they can drink alcohol with antidepressants. The most obvious answer is no, but there are some nuances to it. It’s okay if you have a beer in the afternoon with your friends or a glass of wine with food. From there, you should be concerned about the interaction between alcohol and antidepressants because there are certain risks and dangers.

Alcohol slows down the effectiveness of antidepressants

The first and most obvious danger, which is the same as with all medicines, is that alcohol can neutralize the effects of the drug. That is, if you take antidepressants to release serotonin, for example, and feel more encouraged, you should know that drinking alcohol can prevent the reabsorption of those substances that you need so much at this time.

Alcohol potentiates the side effects of antidepressants

The usual side effects of antidepressants, which some people don’t notice at all, can be increased by alcohol. You already know that some of these effects can be dangerous, so it will be better to avoid the drink for a while

Alcohol worsens the mood

Drinking alcohol when you also take antidepressants can make your mood and emotional situation worse. In addition, it is common to also increase anxiety, a disorder that often goes hand in hand with depression.

Alcohol and antidepressants cause increased sleepiness

When they recommend that you be careful when driving or doing some work, it is because many drugs, including antidepressants, cause drowsiness. If you add alcohol, even in small amounts, you will feel more sleepy and tired. Coordination is affected, as well as the ability to concentrate, so be very careful.

Alcohol and antidepressants can cause insomnia

Paradoxically to what we have discussed in the previous point, one of the most frequent problems when taking antidepressants is insomnia. Drinking alcohol can make you believe that it helps you sleep because of the drowsiness it produces. And you may fall asleep earlier, but it will be a more restless sleep, you will wake up several times during the night and you will not get the restful sleep you need.

Dependency risk

Perhaps the main problem with alcohol when you are on antidepressants is the risk of dependency. Depression is a mood disorder that can favor the appearance of addictions. And at the worst of times, alcohol will seem like the least of your problems, but very often it will send you into a vicious cycle that will be more difficult to get out of.

Other dangers of mixing alcohol and antidepressants

In the most serious cases, the mixture of alcohol and antidepressants can cause more important problems such as epilepsy, tremors or heart rhythm disturbances. Logically we are not talking about something that could happen with a glass of wine, but special care must be taken if consumption is greater.

Alcohol and depression, a close relationship

  • The relationship between alcohol and depression is very close. Sometimes as a cause and other times as a consequence, but it is always a problem. Drinking alcohol to excess can quickly lead to depression and, in turn, depression can lead you to look to alcohol for the help or encouragement you need to let go of your situation.
  • But as we always warn when it comes to alcohol, problems do not drown at the bottom of the glass, since they know how to swim very well. When depression has started to affect all areas of your life, the last thing you need is to have to deal with a problem like alcohol.
  • You don’t have to take it seriously and consider alcohol the number 1 public enemy of depression, but you do have to be very careful. If you regularly consume alcohol, even in moderation, reduce that consumption to a minimum when you are undergoing treatment to overcome depression. And if drinking is not among your habits, do not acquire it when you are at your worst.
  • We insist that a beer or a wine will not affect your treatment at all but you can also take it as a period of abstinence until you finish with the antidepressants. Cultivating your social life is important to getting out of depression, so you don’t have to deprive yourself of going out just because you can’t bring yourself to have a beer. But one. And we remind you that in any bar they have non-alcoholic drinks, so you have no excuse. Go out and have fun but without alcohol.

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