The role of the psychologist to overcome depression

This professional will help you strengthen your self-esteem and regain hope

Depression is not something we should take lightly. First of all, we must learn to distinguish between a low mood and a depressive disorder as such, for which we have to analyze the symptoms we are suffering from as well as their duration.

In any case, to overcome depression, the real protagonists are ourselves and it is on us who will fall all the effort and all the work to get out of that depression and start being happy. But this does not mean that we have to do it alone.

Why you need a psychologist to overcome depression

  • And it’s not that we don’t have to do it alone, it’s that we can’t do it alone. A visit to the family doctor is mandatory to determine if your situation is that of a depressed person or that of a person with depression. And from there, apart from the drugs that your doctor may recommend, it is best to go to a psychologist.
  • Psychological therapy will help you to be aware of reality. Keep in mind that when depression has taken root in your brain, what happens is a distortion of reality, with negative perceptions of life in general and of particular aspects such as your own abilities, your relationship, your work Or the relationship with your children.
  • Thus, the role of the psychologist is to direct you towards all those areas in which you have to work, to reinforce your self-esteem, to recover the illusion, to relate to others in a healthier way and to see your life and your situation from a more without the negative influences of depressive disorder.

How a psychologist helps you overcome depression

  • Going to a psychologist will also allow you to access personalized treatment, so recovery time will be less. It is the psychologist who will determine the most effective psychological therapy taking into account your personality, your way of life, your family and work needs and also the reasons that have led you to depression.
  • Because the same treatments do not work for all people. But if there is a common denominator in the work of a psychologist in a case of depression, it is consistency in treatment. Do not try to be strong and let yourself be guided by the professionals, because if you stop treatment early, the depression will most likely return with more force.
  • Although psychotherapy is the best ally to overcome depression, we have to recognize that not all people have access to proper psychological treatment. Depending on the health system you have, that is, depending on the country where you live, you may have a kind of health mirage with free access to a psychologist. But the result is usually not very effective due to poor care. So you can consider new therapeutic methods, such as online psychological therapy, which in addition to being very comfortable, are usually quite affordable.

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