The trauma of suffering an abortion: how to overcome it

Sometimes, the desire to be a mother is frustrated by a spontaneous abortion, a loss that can be recorded in the mother as a trauma to the point that, even if a pregnancy is physically viable, psychologically she does not dare to try again. This is what has happened to the leading actress of “Shakespeare in love”, Gwyneth Patrol, who has recently confessed the trauma that caused her to suffer an abortion in her third pregnancy. Gwyneth, who already has two children, does not see herself with the strength to have another baby, after having seen her last pregnancy fail. But the actress is not the only one who has gone through this painful experience.

Consequences of suffering an abortion

  • Every pregnant woman knows that she runs certain risks of losing the baby, especially in the first few weeks. They also know that most of the causes that cause miscarriage cannot be controlled and that the vast majority of women who have suffered an abortion manage to become pregnant again in a short time, this time successfully. However, at the moment you suffer an abortion, all this is forgotten by the intense pain of losing that baby that represented all your dreams and illusions.
  • Although the physical consequences of suffering an abortion disappear quickly to the point that after verifying that menstruation has been regulated again, any woman can try to get pregnant again, the psychological consequences are more difficult to overcome. The fear that it will happen again and that you will never be able to have your baby is the most frequent fear in this situation.
  • But also guilt, when the pregnant woman believes that she has done something wrong so that her pregnancy does not reach term and the insecurity for believing that if she does not manage to carry out a pregnancy, much less will she be able to take care of her baby when it finally arrives. Although the consequence of suffering an abortion that is most difficult to overcome is the pain for the loss of that child that had not yet been born.

How to get over a miscarriage

  • Experts recommend mourning that lost baby as in the case of a death, especially if the miscarriage occurred when the pregnancy was already quite advanced. In any case, it is an inconsolable situation for the mother, who is going to need psychological help.
  • But also all the love and understanding of your family, your friends and, above all, your partner. As set phrases are not consoling, nor knowing that it is a very frequent experience, it is better to give relief in the form of hugs and support, reaffirming as much as possible that it was not their fault.
  • The attitude of the couple will be essential throughout the recovery process, which must be fully involved, as well as if you want to try another pregnancy again. Conveying confidence and security is essential so that both of you can successfully face a new pregnancy free of anxiety and fear. But also sharing the pain for the lost baby will bring you closer as a couple.

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