Twitter, Facebook and forums to talk about depression

Many women have started to use social networks as an effective way to get rid of all the problems that have some relevance in their lives. This is the case of portals as illustrious and widespread as Twitter, Facebook or Tumbler. In them it is possible to observe many of its users expressing their feelings of sadness, anger and even depression through songs, poems, phrases or photographs. Once we are aware of this new reality, there is a certain relevance in questioning whether these formats can really help us get rid of our depressive feelings or if, on the contrary, they place an extraordinary burden on them.

Usefulness of venting on social networks

  • As in any question related to our emotional and psychological health, there are conflicting theories to frame a debate about the real influence of social networks in overcoming depression. For some psychology experts, venting on social networks and forums can strengthen our security regarding social and emotional relationships. At times when our self-esteem can be deeply diminished, the social environment, through these networks, can be consolidated as an accurate support in the search for an improvement in our state.
  • On the other hand, there are experts who advise against the use of social networks as a means of relief at times when we are especially depressed. The psychologists who support this theory assure that if our friends or followers are also in a state of melancholy, the only contribution that they will be able to convey to us is a continuous reaffirmation, far from the long-awaited overcoming of the problem.
  • Faced with this dilemma, it must be taken into account above all that social networks are a tool and that, therefore, they can be a means to promote a treatment for depression, either as a means of relief or with any other function, or it can cause a delay in the recovery of the pathology if an abusive use is made that borders on obsession. Therefore, in cases in which we need an escape route, sufficient common sense must prevail so as not to use a single tool in the search for improvement.

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