Types of depression: when depression does not affect you but yours

Medicine is in charge of classifying depression into different types and degrees, but we are going to establish a distinction between all these types of depression from a more personal perspective; that of the people who are affected by this disorder.

You have to take into account what it really means to suffer from depression and how it affects the family nucleus, work or social circle. Because we always talk about what to do to overcome our depression, but it is also very important to know what to do to help all those people we love who are suffering from depression.

When children have depression

  • Although we believe that depression is a disorder typical of adults and, especially, women, caused by a long experience of frustration, disappointment or unfulfilled expectations, the truth is that children can also be affected by depression.
  • Childhood depression is one of the most complicated diseases due to its difficulty at the time of diagnosis. What is the difference between a child with family, school or social problems, a sad child with behavior problems and a child with depression? In any case, childhood depression is a problem to which great attention and care must be paid.
  • Adolescence is another critical stage in our children’s personal development. A stage where it is fundamentally social relationships and the way the child relates to the environment that will mark his emotional balance as an adult. So it is convenient to be very attentive to the first signs of sadness, decay or depression in adolescence.
  • But despite the fact that the child becomes an adolescent and later an adult, a child remains a child for his parents throughout his life. Therefore, even if a person suffers from depression in adulthood, the parents are the main ones affected by this disorder. It is not easy to find a way to help a child who is suffering from depression.

Depression in the family

  • Depression can also affect our parents when they reach maturity and see themselves with diminished physical faculties and irretrievably entering old age. The quality of life that our parents have achieved will determine the degree of risk of suffering from depression. In any case, seeing our parents plunged into despair is one of the most difficult situations to face.
  • It is also difficult to live with a partner who suffers from depression. A situation that can end the relationship if we do not learn to handle it and be able to help our partner. We are willing to find all the resources to play a good role in a case of depression in our family.
  • And we are not going to leave our friends aside either. When a friend or our best friend suffers from depression, our actions can be essential for them to overcome their depressive disorder as soon as possible. Our unconditional love and support can be the stick our friend holds on to. But above all, in a depression, our best friend, she needs our presence.

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